

Your banner is what visitors will see when they view your website. Each banner can have unlimited variants, but only one variant will be visible at a time, and only one banner will be displayed on your website at a time.

Banners & Configuration

You may only have one active banner at a time. This is indicated by the Active badge when viewing your banners for a particular domain, as well as the Active toggle switch when editing a single banner’s configuration. To delete a banner, click the Trash icon on the list of banners, or the Trash icon at the top right when editing a single banner’s configuration. To rename a banner (the banner name is not visible to visitors), click the pencil icon at the top of the page when editing a single banner’s configuration.

Display Mode

Banners have 3 display modes:

  • Optimized: (Default) For the specified training duration, a random variant will be displayed to your visitors. Each visitor has a single variant they will see, so when they refresh the page they will not see a new variant unless they clear their browsing data. This is intentional so that the visitor will not be confused by the changing variants during page refresh and site navigation. Visitor interactions are tracked and analyzed (impressions, clicks, and view time) to determine which variant will yield the greatest conversion rate. After the training duration has ended, only the best performing variant will be displayed until this is manually changed.
  • Manual: When selecting manual display mode, you must also select a specific variant to be displayed to all visitors. Other variants are ignored during this display mode.
  • Random: A random variant will be displayed to all visitors.


You may specify the pages where your banner will be displayed on your site by selecting one of three options:

  • All pages: (Default) The banner will be displayed to your visitors on every page of your domain.
  • Homepage only: The banner will only be displayed to your visitors on the homepage of your domain. This is equivalent to an empty path after your domain, or a trailing forward slash “/” (I.E.: or
  • Specific pages: You may specify individual pages where the banner will be displayed to your visitors. The pathing structure follows typical file routing. If you specify /blog, every subpath will also be selected to show the banner (/blog/post1, /blog/post2, etc). If you only want a single page, you should specify the exact route (/blog/post2/comments). A single forward slash should be used to denote your homepage “/”.


You may specify a date/time range during which the banner should be displayed. Not doing so will default to the banner being displayed constantly and forever. You should use this functionality if you are running a limited sale only valid during some days. All times in this configuration are using your local time in your browser.

  • Start Date: The day and time your banner should begin to display to visitors. If the duration feature is toggled on and the start date is left empty, the banner will be displayed as soon as it is activated until the specified End Date.
  • End Date: The day and time your banner should stop displaying to visitors. If the duration feature is toggled on and the end date is left empty, the banner will be displayed only after the Start Date, but with no end.